MXClientChatDelegate Protocol Reference

Conforms to NSObject
Declared in MXClient.h


@protocol MXClientChatDelegate

The protocol define the delegates for notifying the calling application during the chat.

– popChatViewController:isDeleted:

Called when user press back button on chat view controller in case that isDeleted is NO. Or called when user press leave/delete button on chat setting view controller in case that isDeleted is YES. If this delegate is not be implemented, the chatViewController will be dismiss/pop automatically when user press back button.

- (void)popChatViewController:(UIViewController *_Nullable)chatViewController isDeleted:(BOOL)isDeleted

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– onChatSessionUpdated:

Called when there are some update for chat.

- (void)onChatSessionUpdated:(MXChatSession *_Nullable)chatSession

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– onChatSessionCreated:

Called when a new chat is created.

- (void)onChatSessionCreated:(MXChatSession *_Nullable)chatSession

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– onChatSessionDeleted:

Called when an exist chat is deleted.

- (void)onChatSessionDeleted:(MXChatSession *_Nullable)chatSession

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– presentInviteChatMembersViewController:binderID:

Called when 3rd party want to customize invite members to group chat if user press invite button in binder setting.

- (void)presentInviteChatMembersViewController:(UIViewController *_Nullable)presentingViewController binderID:(NSString *_Nullable)binderID

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– presentChatMemberProfileViewController:uniqueID:

Called when 3rd party want to customize member’s profile view controller if user try to view member’s profile in chat or in the chat setting view controller.

- (void)presentChatMemberProfileViewController:(UIViewController *_Nullable)presentingViewController uniqueID:(NSString *_Nullable)uniqueID

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– presentBinderSettingViewController:

Called when 3rd party want to customize binder setting view controller if user try to open binder setting view controller via pressing “…” button.

- (void)presentBinderSettingViewController:(UIViewController *_Nullable)presentingViewController

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– meetLauchViewController

return the customized meet lauch view controller that the 3rd party want to attach.

- (UIViewController *)meetLauchViewController

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– presentAddFilesViewController:

Called when 3rd party want to customize add files view controller if user try to add files via pressing “+” button. If this delegate is not be implemented, the default “+” panel will be showed.

- (void)presentAddFilesViewController:(UIViewController *_Nullable)presentingViewController

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– presentMoreFilesViewController:

Called when 3rd party want to add files if user try to add files via pressing “…” button in default “+” panel. If this delegate is not be implemented, the “…” button will not be showed in default “+” panel.

- (void)presentMoreFilesViewController:(UIViewController *_Nullable)presentingViewController

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– numberOfChatMemberExceeded

Called when the number of chat members exceeded the limited number.

- (void)numberOfChatMemberExceeded

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– userStorageExceeded

Called when the user’s storage exceeded the limited size.

- (void)userStorageExceeded

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– sizeOfFileExceeded:

Called when the size of uploading file exceeded the limited size(byte).

- (void)sizeOfFileExceeded:(unsigned long long)maxSize

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– shareLink:downloadLink:

Called when user press share menu/button. If this delegate is not be implemented, the default share menu will pop up.

- (void)shareLink:(NSString *_Nullable)shareLink downloadLink:(NSString *_Nullable)downloadLink

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– binderEmailHost

Not recommended for use, If the 3rd party want customize the binder email host, please contact us at first. Called when app need get the binder email address. Return the customized binder email host. If this delegate is not be implemented, we will use the default binder email host.

- (nullable NSString *)binderEmailHost

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– textMessageWillSend:

Called when the user press “send” button to send text message in chat. You can check the text message and return your modified text message.

- (nullable NSString *)textMessageWillSend:(NSString *_Nullable)textMessage

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– supportParentGuard

Return NO if the 3rd party do not need parent guard. The default values is YES.

- (BOOL)supportParentGuard

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– supportDuplicateBinder

Return NO if the 3rd party need hide “Duplicate Binder” option in binder setting. The default values is YES.

- (BOOL)supportDuplicateBinder

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– hideSilentMessage

return YES if the 3rd party want to hide silent message selection in chat input box. The default value is NO.

- (BOOL)hideSilentMessage

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– shouldDisableBinderCreationFeed

return YES if the 3rd party want to disable binder creation feed. The default value is NO.

- (BOOL)shouldDisableBinderCreationFeed

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– presentInviteMeetAttendeesViewController:meetID:

Called when 3rd party want to customize invite attendees process if user press invite button in meet.

- (void)presentInviteMeetAttendeesViewController:(UIViewController *_Nullable)presentingViewController meetID:(NSString *_Nullable)meetID

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– shouldDisableMeetChat

Return YES if the 3rd party need hide chat panel in meet. The default value is NO.

- (BOOL)shouldDisableMeetChat

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– shouldDisableMeetParticipantPanel

Return YES if the 3rd party need hide participant panel in meet. The default value is NO.

- (BOOL)shouldDisableMeetParticipantPanel

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– supportMeetTelephony

Called when the user will join audio to ask whether using VOIP or telephony in meet. The default value is YES.

- (BOOL)supportMeetTelephony

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– supportMeetVOIP

Called when the user will join audio to ask whether using VOIP or telephony in meet. The default value is YES.

- (BOOL)supportMeetVOIP

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– supportAutoJoinVOIP

Return YES if the 3rd party need join VOIP automatically when start or join meet. The default values is NO.

- (BOOL)supportAutoJoinVOIP

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– supportAttendeeJoinVOIPWithMuted

Return YES if the 3rd party need attendee’s VOIP is muted when attendee join VOIP in meet. The default values is NO.

- (BOOL)supportAttendeeJoinVOIPWithMuted

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– supportAttendeeUnmuteBySelf

Return NO if the 3rd party need attendee can not unmute by himself in meet. The default values is YES.

- (BOOL)supportAttendeeUnmuteBySelf

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– supportHostUnmuteAttendee

Return YES if the 3rd party need host can unmute attendees in meet. The default values is NO.

- (BOOL)supportHostUnmuteAttendee

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– supportPresenterUnmuteAttendee

Return YES if the 3rd party need presenter can unmute attendees in meet. The default values is NO.

- (BOOL)supportPresenterUnmuteAttendee

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– supportMeetVideo

Return NO if the 3rd party need disable video in meet. The default values is YES.

- (BOOL)supportMeetVideo

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– supportAttendeeActivateCamera

Return NO if the 3rd party need inactivate camera on attendee side in meet. The default values is YES.

- (BOOL)supportAttendeeActivateCamera

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– supportMeetRecording

Return NO if the 3rd party need disable recording in meet. The default value is YES.

- (BOOL)supportMeetRecording

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– supportMeetAutoRecording

Return YES if the 3rd party need start recording automatically when start meet. The default value is NO.

- (BOOL)supportMeetAutoRecording

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– meetRecordingPublicUrl:

Called to return the recording file url when meet is ending.

- (void)meetRecordingPublicUrl:(NSString *_Nullable)publicUrl

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– supportClipMeetScreen

Return NO if the 3rd party need disable clip meet screen in meet. The default values is YES.

- (BOOL)supportClipMeetScreen

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– supportSaveMeetFile

Return NO if the 3rd party need disable save meet file in meet. The default values is YES.

- (BOOL)supportSaveMeetFile

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– supportBinderPage

Return NO if the 3rd party need disable add file from binder page. The default values is YES.

- (BOOL)supportBinderPage

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– meetStarted:

Called when meet has been started in the chat UI.

- (void)meetStarted:(NSString *_Nullable)meetID

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– meetEnded

Called when meet is ending.

- (void)meetEnded

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– meetWillExpire:maxLength:remainingTime:

Called when meet will be expired in remaining time(second). The default value of remainingTime is 300(5 minutes).

- (void)meetWillExpire:(NSString *_Nullable)meetID maxLength:(unsigned long long)maxLength remainingTime:(unsigned long long)remainingTime

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– meetExpired:maxLength:

Called when meet is expired. MaxLength(second) is the time lenght of meet.

- (void)meetExpired:(NSString *_Nullable)meetID maxLength:(unsigned long long)maxLength

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– numberOfMeetMemberExceeded:

Called when the number of meet member exceeded the limited number.

- (void)numberOfMeetMemberExceeded:(NSInteger)maxNumber

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– supportMeetFloatMode

Return NO if the 3rd party want to hide the collapse button on top bar in meet. The default value is YES.

- (BOOL)supportMeetFloatMode

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– hideMeetLinkPanel

Return YES if the 3rd party need hide meet link in meet. The default value is NO.

- (BOOL)hideMeetLinkPanel

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– screenCapture

Return the capture window or view when start screen share in meet. If this delegate is not be implemented, we will choose a window to capture.

- (nullable UIView *)screenCapture

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– meetViewControllerDidCreate:

Called when 3rd party want to show the meet view controller by himself when the meet is starting.

- (void)meetViewControllerDidCreate:(UIViewController *)meetViewController

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– requestDismissMeetViewController:withCompletion:

Called when we request to let 3rd party dismiss the meet view controller when the meet is ending, you have to call our completion in your meet view controller dismiss completion block.

- (void)requestDismissMeetViewController:(UIViewController *)meetViewController withCompletion:(void ( ^ ) ( ))completion

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– hideInviteButton

Return YES if the 3rd party need hide invite button in meet. The default values is NO.

- (BOOL)hideInviteButton

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– supportInviteContactsBySMS

Called when the user invite attendees via pressing invite button in meet. The default values are both YES.

- (BOOL)supportInviteContactsBySMS

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– supportInviteContactsByEmail

Called when the user invite attendees via pressing invite button in meet. The default values are both YES.

- (BOOL)supportInviteContactsByEmail

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– bodyOfSMSContentWithMeetLink:

Called when the user invite attendees via pressing invite button in meet. Return the customized SMS body. There will be default SMS body if return value is null.

- (nullable NSString *)bodyOfSMSContentWithMeetLink:(NSString *_Nullable)meetLink

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– subjectOfEmailContent

Called when the user invite attendees via pressing invite button in meet. Return the customized Email subject. There will be default Email subject if return value is null.

- (nullable NSString *)subjectOfEmailContent

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– HTMLBodyOfEmailContentWithMeetLink:

Called when the user invite attendees via pressing invite button in meet. Return the customized Email HTML body. There will be default Email HTML body if return value is null.

- (nullable NSString *)HTMLBodyOfEmailContentWithMeetLink:(NSString *_Nullable)meetLink

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– onChatRemoteNotification:

Called when there is a update event on chat from remote notifications.

- (void)onChatRemoteNotification:(NSString *_Nullable)binderID

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