MXClient Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in MXClient.h

Other Methods


@property delegate

@property (nonatomic, readwrite, weak) id<MXClientChatDelegate> _Nullable delegate


The delegate for notifying the calling application during the chat/meet

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– initializeUserAccount:orgID:firstName:lastName:avatar:devicePushNotificationToken:withTimeout:success:failure:

Setup user information. It need OAuth login with Moxtra Account. The 3rd party should not call any other APIs except clientWithApplicationClientID before initializeUserAccount success block call back.

- (void)initializeUserAccount:(MXUserIdentity *)userIdentity orgID:(NSString *)orgID firstName:(NSString *)firstName lastName:(NSString *)lastName avatar:(UIImage *)avatar devicePushNotificationToken:(NSData *)deviceToken withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout success:(void ( ^ ) ( ))success failure:(void ( ^ ) ( NSError *error ))failure


@param userIdentity The user identity. @param orgID The user org identity. @param firstName User’s firstName. @param lastName User’s lastName. @param avatar User’s avatar image. If need we will resize it according to the image size. @param devicePushNotificationToken The device push notification token if the 3rd paryt need support notification for Moxtra client. @param withTimeout The timeout when initialize user account, the default timeout will be set if the value is 0.0. @param success Callback interface for notifying the calling application when setup user successed. @param failure Callback interface for notifying the calling application when setup user failed.

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– unlinkAccount:

Unlink Moxtra account.

- (void)unlinkAccount:(void ( ^ ) ( BOOL success ))completion

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– updateUserProfile:lastName:avatar:success:failure:

If user need update their profile, you can call this API to update them.

- (void)updateUserProfile:(nullable NSString *)firstName lastName:(nullable NSString *)lastName avatar:(nullable UIImage *)avatar success:(void ( ^ _Nullable ) ( ))success failure:(void ( ^ _Nullable ) ( NSError *_Nullable error ))failure


@param firstName User’s firstName. @param lastName User’s lastName. @param avatar User’s avatar image. If need we will resize it according to the image size. @param success Callback interface for notifying the calling application when update user’s profile successed. @param failure Callback interface for notifying the calling application when update user’s profile failed.

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– isUserLoggedIn

User login status.

- (BOOL)isUserLoggedIn

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– getUserInfo

Get user info.

- (nullable MXChatMemberInfo *)getUserInfo

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– markAsRead:

Clear binder’s unread feeds' count.

- (void)markAsRead:(NSString *_Nonnull)binderID

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– getSDKVersion

Get sdk version.

- (nonnull NSString *)getSDKVersion

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Chat Methods

– getChatSessionArray

Get chat array. The object in the array is MXChatSession.

- (nullable NSArray *)getChatSessionArray

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– createChat:inviteMembersUniqueID:success:failure:

Create a new group chat.

- (void)createChat:(nullable NSString *)topic inviteMembersUniqueID:(nullable NSArray *)uniqueIDArray success:(void ( ^ _Nullable ) ( NSString *_Nullable binderID , UIViewController *_Nullable chatViewController ))success failure:(void ( ^ _Nullable ) ( NSError *_Nullable error ))failure


@param topic The topic of the group chat. The default topic is made up of the chat members' name. @param uniqueIDArray The user’s unique ID array that you want to invite to join. @param success Callback interface for notifying the calling application when create a group chat successed. @param failure Callback interface for notifying the calling application when create a group chat failed.

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– createChat:inviteMembersOrgUniqueIDs:success:failure:

Create a new group chat. Support cross the organization invitation.

- (void)createChat:(nullable NSString *)topic inviteMembersOrgUniqueIDs:(nullable NSDictionary *)orgUniqueIDs success:(void ( ^ _Nullable ) ( NSString *_Nullable binderID , UIViewController *_Nullable chatViewController ))success failure:(void ( ^ _Nullable ) ( NSError *_Nullable error ))failure


@param topic The topic of the group chat. The default topic is made up of the chat members' name. @param orgUniqueIDs The key is org ID, and the value is user’s unique ID array. @param success Callback interface for notifying the calling application when create a group chat successed. @param failure Callback interface for notifying the calling application when create a group chat failed.

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– createIndividualChat:success:failure:

Create a new individual chat or return an exist individual chat.

- (void)createIndividualChat:(nonnull NSString *)peerUniqueID success:(void ( ^ _Nullable ) ( NSString *_Nullable binderID , UIViewController *_Nullable chatViewController ))success failure:(void ( ^ _Nullable ) ( NSError *_Nullable error ))failure


@param peerUniqueID The peer’s unique ID. @param success Callback interface for notifying the calling application when create a individual chat successed or there is an exist individual chat. @param failure Callback interface for notifying the calling application when create a individual chat failed.

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– createIndividualChat:peerOrgID:success:failure:

Create a new individual chat or return an exist individual chat. Support cross the organization invitation.

- (void)createIndividualChat:(nonnull NSString *)peerUniqueID peerOrgID:(nonnull NSString *)peerOrgID success:(void ( ^ _Nullable ) ( NSString *_Nullable binderID , UIViewController *_Nullable chatViewController ))success failure:(void ( ^ _Nullable ) ( NSError *_Nullable error ))failure


@param peerUniqueID The peer’s unique ID. @param peerOrgID The peer’s org ID. @param success Callback interface for notifying the calling application when create a individual chat successed or there is an exist individual chat. @param failure Callback interface for notifying the calling application when create a individual chat failed.

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– isIndividualChat:

Return YES if it is individual chat.

- (BOOL)isIndividualChat:(NSString *_Nonnull)binderID


@param binderID The binder id that identify the chat.

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– deleteChat:success:failure:

Delete a chat.

- (void)deleteChat:(NSString *_Nonnull)binderID success:(void ( ^ _Nullable ) ( ))success failure:(void ( ^ _Nullable ) ( NSError *_Nullable error ))failure


@param binderID The binder id that identify the chat. @param success Callback interface for notifying the calling application when delete chat successed. @param failure Callback interface for notifying the calling application when delete chat failed.

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– getChatViewController:defaultOpenTab:success:failure:

Get a chat/files/todo/meet container view controller via binder id and return it.

- (void)getChatViewController:(NSString *_Nonnull)binderID defaultOpenTab:(MXTabType)openTab success:(void ( ^ _Nullable ) ( UIViewController *_Nullable chatViewController ))success failure:(void ( ^ _Nullable ) ( NSError *_Nullable error ))failure


@param binderID The binder id that identify the chat. @param openTab The default open tab. @param success Callback interface for notifying the calling application when get a chat/files/todo/meet container view controller successed. @param failure Callback interface for notifying the calling application when get a chat/files/todo/meet container view controller failed.

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– inviteChatMembers:binderID:success:failure:

Invite members to join chat.

- (void)inviteChatMembers:(NSArray *_Nonnull)uniqueIDArray binderID:(NSString *_Nonnull)binderID success:(void ( ^ _Nullable ) ( ))success failure:(void ( ^ _Nullable ) ( NSError *_Nullable error ))failure


@param uniqueIDArray The user’s unique ID array. @param binderID The binder id of the chat that you want to invite members to join. @param success Callback interface for notifying the calling application when invite members successed. @param failure Callback interface for notifying the calling application when invite members failed.

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– inviteToChat:binderID:success:failure:

Invite members to join chat. Support cross the organization invitation.

- (void)inviteToChat:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)orgUniqueIDs binderID:(NSString *_Nonnull)binderID success:(void ( ^ _Nullable ) ( ))success failure:(void ( ^ _Nullable ) ( NSError *_Nullable error ))failure


@param orgUniqueIDs The key is org ID, and the value is user’s unique ID array. @param binderID The binder id of the chat that you want to invite members to join. @param success Callback interface for notifying the calling application when invite members successed. @param failure Callback interface for notifying the calling application when invite members failed.

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– getChatMembers:success:failure:

Get chat members via binder ID. Return members' MXChatMemberInfo array.

- (void)getChatMembers:(NSString *_Nonnull)binderID success:(void ( ^ _Nullable ) ( NSArray *_Nullable chatMembers ))success failure:(void ( ^ _Nullable ) ( NSError *_Nullable error ))failure


@param binderID The binder id that identify the chat.

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– setTags:binderID:success:failure:

Set tags to chat.

- (void)setTags:(NSDictionary *)tags binderID:(NSString *)binderID success:(void ( ^ ) ( ))success failure:(void ( ^ ) ( NSError *error ))failure


@param tags The tags that you need set to the chat. @param binderID The binder id that identify the chat. @param success Callback interface for notifying the calling application when set tags successed. @param failure Callback interface for notifying the calling application when set tags failed.

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– importFilesWithFilePathArray:

Import files to current chat. 3rd party can call this API in the delegate method presentAddFilesViewController or presentMoreFilesViewController.

- (void)importFilesWithFilePathArray:(NSArray *_Nonnull)filePathArray

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Notification Methods

– updateRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:

3rd party notification support

- (void)updateRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData *_Nullable)deviceToken


Update device push notification token if the 3rd paryt need support remote notification for Moxtra client. You should call this API in UIApplicationDelegate - (void)application:(UIApplication )application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData )deviceToken

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– isMoxtraRemoteNotification:

Reture YES if the remote notification is from Moxtra.

- (BOOL)isMoxtraRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *_Nullable)userInfo

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– receiveRemoteNotificationWithUserInfo:

Handle the remote notification if the 3rd paryt need support remote notification for Moxtra client. Reture binder id or meet id if Moxtra client need handle the remote notification. You should call this API in UIApplicationDelegate - (void)application:(UIApplication )application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary )userInfo

- (nullable NSString *)receiveRemoteNotificationWithUserInfo:(NSDictionary *_Nullable)userInfo

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– receiveRemoteNotificationWithUserInfo:fetchCompletionHandler:

Handle the remote notification if the 3rd paryt need support remote notification for Moxtra client. Reture binder id or meet id if Moxtra client need handle the remote notification. You should call this API in UIApplicationDelegate - (void)application:(UIApplication )application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary )userInfo fetchCompletionHandler:(void (^)(UIBackgroundFetchResult result))completionHandler

- (nullable NSString *)receiveRemoteNotificationWithUserInfo:(NSDictionary *_Nullable)userInfo fetchCompletionHandler:(void ( ^ _Nullable ) ( UIBackgroundFetchResult result ))completionHandler

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– setBadgeNumberDidEnterBackground:

You should call this API to set the app badge number with the 3rd party’s badge number in UIApplicationDelegate - (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application We will set app badge number in this API (3rd party’s badge number + Moxtra’s badge number)

- (void)setBadgeNumberDidEnterBackground:(NSInteger)thirdPartyBadgeNumber

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Meet Methods

– startMeet:inviteAttendeesUniqueID:success:failure:

Start a online meeting.

- (void)startMeet:(NSString *_Nullable)topic inviteAttendeesUniqueID:(NSArray *_Nullable)uniqueIDArray success:(void ( ^ _Nullable ) ( NSString *_Nullable meetID ))success failure:(void ( ^ _Nullable ) ( NSError *_Nullable error ))failure


@param topic The meet topic. @param uniqueIDArray The user’s unique ID array that you want to invite to join. @param success Callback interface for notifying the calling application when the meet has started. @param failure Callback interface for notifying the calling application when the meet start failed.

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– startMeet:inviteAttendeesOrgUniqueIDs:success:failure:

Start a online meeting. Support cross the organization invitation.

- (void)startMeet:(NSString *_Nullable)topic inviteAttendeesOrgUniqueIDs:(NSDictionary *_Nullable)orgUniqueIDs success:(void ( ^ _Nullable ) ( NSString *_Nullable meetID ))success failure:(void ( ^ _Nullable ) ( NSError *_Nullable error ))failure


@param topic The meet topic. @param inviteAttendeesOrgUniqueIDs The key is org ID, and the value is user’s unique ID array. @param success Callback interface for notifying the calling application when the meet has started. @param failure Callback interface for notifying the calling application when the meet start failed.

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– joinMeet:withUserName:success:failure:

Join the online meeting.

- (void)joinMeet:(NSString *_Nonnull)meetID withUserName:(NSString *_Nullable)userName success:(void ( ^ _Nullable ) ( NSString *_Nullable meetID ))success failure:(void ( ^ _Nullable ) ( NSError *_Nullable error ))failure


@param meetID The meet ID. @param userName The user name in meet in the case user is not logged firstly. The default name will be setted if the value is nil. @param success Callback interface for notifying the calling application when the user has joined the meet. @param failure Callback interface for notifying the calling application when the user join meet failed.

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– inviteMeetAttendees:success:failure:

Invite attendees to join meet.

- (void)inviteMeetAttendees:(NSArray *_Nonnull)uniqueIDArray success:(void ( ^ _Nullable ) ( ))success failure:(void ( ^ _Nullable ) ( NSError *_Nullable error ))failure


@param uniqueIDArray The user’s unique ID array. @param success Callback interface for notifying the calling application when invite attendees successed. @param failure Callback interface for notifying the calling application when invite attendees failed.

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– inviteToMeet:success:failure:

Invite attendees to join meet. Support cross the organization invitation.

- (void)inviteToMeet:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)orgUniqueIDs success:(void ( ^ _Nullable ) ( ))success failure:(void ( ^ _Nullable ) ( NSError *_Nullable error ))failure


@param orgUniqueIDs The key is org ID, and the value is user’s unique ID array. @param success Callback interface for notifying the calling application when invite attendees successed. @param failure Callback interface for notifying the calling application when invite attendees failed.

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– getMeetMembers

Get meet members. Return members' MXMeetMemberInfo array. Return nil if no meeting is going on.

- (nullable NSArray *)getMeetMembers

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– startScheduledMeet:success:failure:

Start a scheduled meeting.

- (void)startScheduledMeet:(NSString *_Nonnull)meetID success:(void ( ^ _Nullable ) ( NSString *_Nullable meetID ))success failure:(void ( ^ _Nullable ) ( NSError *_Nullable error ))failure


@param meetID The meet ID. @param success Callback interface for notifying the calling application when the meet has started. @param failure Callback interface for notifying the calling application when the meet start failed.

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– joinScheduledMeet:success:failure:

Join a scheduled meeting.

- (void)joinScheduledMeet:(NSString *_Nonnull)meetID success:(void ( ^ _Nullable ) ( NSString *_Nullable meetID ))success failure:(void ( ^ _Nullable ) ( NSError *_Nullable error ))failure


@param meetID The meet ID. @param success Callback interface for notifying the calling application when the meet has started. @param failure Callback interface for notifying the calling application when the meet start failed.

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– acceptScheduledMeet:

Accept a scheduled meeting.

- (void)acceptScheduledMeet:(NSString *_Nonnull)meetID


@param meetID The meet ID.

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– rejectScheduledMeet:

Reject a scheduled meeting.

- (void)rejectScheduledMeet:(NSString *_Nonnull)meetID


@param meetID The meet ID.

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– setMeetColorStyle:

Set meet color styles.

- (void)setMeetColorStyle:(NSDictionary *_Nonnull)meetColorStyles


@param meetColorStyles The meet color styles. The possible keys and values for the meet color styles are well documented. Some possible keys are: - kMXMeetStyleViewBackgroundColor - kMXMeetStyleTopToolbarBackgroundColor - kMXMeetStyleBottomToolbarBackgroundColor - kMXMeetStyleLeaveEndTextColor - kMXMeetStyleHighlightColor The values are UIColor objects.

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– joinVoip

Join voice in meeting.

- (void)joinVoip

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– leaveVoip

Leave voice in meeting.

- (void)leaveVoip

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– enableVoiceInMeeting

Enable voice in meeting.

- (void)enableVoiceInMeeting

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– disableVoiceInMeeting

Disable voice in meeting.

- (void)disableVoiceInMeeting

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– stopMeet

End or leave the online meeting.

- (void)stopMeet

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– meetWindow

Return meet window.

- (UIWindow *)meetWindow

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